Denny Traditional Ham & Sausages (Concept)

Derrick Lin


Designer: Alan McNamara
Project Type: Concept
Location: Cork, Ireland
Packaging Materials: Paper, twine, card

The Denny brand has a hugely significant history when it comes to the Irish food market. In one way or another we have all had some interaction with Denny products, while often not acknowledging or even realising the deep history and tradition of the brand. Thus, the core concept of this packaging project. This deep tradition and heritage of Denny acted as the main focal point for the redesign, and the driving force behind the new visual style of the products. It was decided that the most suitable way to convey this rich and extensive tradition visually was to focus on a typographical and illustrative approach and telling the story of Denny through this.

Through combining small segments of text, subtle illustrations and other typographical elements, it is possible to achieve such a style and be effective in doing so, while also delivering the essential unique selling points of the brand such as using no artificial additives or preservatives and maintaining 100% natural products. This packaging concept would not only provide consumers with a visually appealing experience of Denny products but would also provide a small but interesting educational insight into the important rich history of the company in a contemporary fashion.