Bohem Cigar Master – Cuban Jazz Limited Edition

Derrick Lin

Creative Agency: Ingraff
Creative Director: Joel Jung
Project Type: Produced, Commercial Work
Client: KT&G
Location: Seoul/ South Korea
Packaging Contents: Cigarette
Packaging Substrate / Materials: Paper
Printing Process: Digital Printing, Foil Stamping

Ingaff has designed a limited version of ‘Bohemian Shiga Master Cuban Jazz(KT & G)’ with a pop-up three-dimensional packaging design.

The cigarette was created through collaboration with “Cigar expert Pierre Cohen – Akinnin”. According to the KT & G, 36% of the total leaf tobacco ingredients are from Cuban premium cigar leaf, and the cigarette was wrapped in a cigar wrapper which can makes unique flavor. We have mixed cubic pop-ups with exotic backgrounds and three jazz players that can make tone and mood of vintage Cuban-street style.

What’s Unique?
It’s a pop-up three-dimensional packaging design for the cigarette.