Derrick Lin

Creative Agency: Allégorie
Marketing Elias Hamla/Samy Aberkane
Designer Malik Douar
Brand developper Atef Agli
Project Type: Produced, Commercial Work
Client: Agli-Biscool
Location: Algiers, Algeria
Packaging Contents: Cookies
Packaging Substrate / Materials: Plastic pouch

Biscool is a cookies brand that exist on different recipes, what is the main specifities of the product is the fun brand spirit that we discover on the originality of flavors and designs, the generosity and the home-made is also an essential element which we find in every recipe.

The design translates this spirit, in a craft(home-made) style, by playing on organic movements, small funny messages, where we tell the story of the product in every package and dynamic colorimetry.

  1. Bought this product beacause of the packaging, so did many of my acquintainces. The biscuits were horrible …kudos to the designer !

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Derrick Lin