Llavora Organic Pork

Derrick Lin

Designer: Senyor Estudi
Photographer: Carles Palacios
Project Type: Produced, Commercial Work
Client: Llavora Agropecuària
Location: Ventalló, Spain
Packaging Contents: Pork products, sausages and minced meat
Packaging Substrate / Materials: Plastic

Ecological pork that does neither contain antibiotics nor preservatives –the margin to be consumed is six days from its elaboration–. It promotes local consumption, farming and livestock integration, and eradication of liquid manures.

Livestock farming and agriculture are part of the same cycle. It is the product itself that naturally refers back to its origin: the fields.

What’s Unique?
Intelligent use of resources without adding other elements to the packaging. Common packaging for different pork products (Catalan ‘botifarres’, sausages and minced meat) and in varying quantities. Vacuum packing according to health requirements.