HATSU Anniversary Edition

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Derrick Lin

Art Director: Alejandro Gutiérrez
Project Type: Concept
Location: Bogotá, Colombia
Packaging Contents: Tea
Packaging Substrate / Materials: Glass bottle
Printing Process: Digital printing

For a refreshing, aesthetic, fun and innovative drink an image that reflects these attributes. The concept of this proposal dresses the black and white Hatsu Tea bottles with colors and shapes to celebrate its anniversary. It is an invitation to be flexible and fun without neglecting the art, harmony and beauty that characterize the content of this brand so close. This was my entry for a nacional contest who called all artist in Colombia to Design without guide-lines just to keep the Brand logo. The result was a powerful color Bottle who inspires the collector and was featured in the contest as a finalist.

What’s Unique?
This design is unique because it is made up of a study made of what makes the brand different between the category, that expression between art and the refreshing, between the young and the healthy, in order to reach a special edition that incorporates all these values ​​within how colorful an anniversary can be.